GraphicxtrasCapture Paper Textures / Grain in Painter Tutorial
Open image in Corel Painter or use current image (especially if it is a great source for a texture / paper / design) - it can be in gray or color etc.Go to select menu and set ALL..Go to the papers panel (found via the paper panels in the window menu).Goto right side menu.capture paper. Painter can use an image as well as text and tiles etc. Go to the papers panel found in the window menu). Right side menu and capture paper. You can then use the captured paper texture in your projects. You can then scale and set the contrast and brightness etc for the paper via the papers panel. You can then use the captured paper texture with many Painter tools such as apply surface texture, color overlay etc. You can also save the result to a paperlibrary file for use in Corel Painter in future projects. This tutorial shows you the steps to capture paper / paper textures / grains in Painter and the filters that use the paper textures (as well as brush strokes). Seamless pattern for use in PainterAll the our PNG images for patterns and textures are seamless so the paper grain will also be seamless but if you use your own image, the result may not be seamless. The paper grain has now been captured and can be used as a paper file in Painter. You can now set the scaling and constrast and brightness as well as capture additional presets in the applicationPNG files (and loading PNG files into Painter)Early versions of Painter could not load PNG images so to capture the PNG image as a paper / grain file requires an initial step such as converting the PNG image into JPG etc. The reason I mention PNG images is that most of the pattern sets and brush sets on this site include the textures in PNG. You can find many free apps on the web that can convert PNG / JPGs etc such as IrfanviewCapturing imagesYou can use the PNG files on this site (after conversion) but you can also use images, pages of text, your own patterns and textures and many more. Any image can be used such as old public domain documents to images you own as well as images that you create from scratch.Applying the Painter paper grain / textureYou can apply the papers in many parts of Painter such asApply surface texture.Brush strokes.color distortion.apply texture etcCapturing paper in Painter - saving to paperlibraryIf you wish to permanently save the paper file then you have to save the captured paper grain to a paper library.Go to the paper libraries panel (found in the paper panels in window menu command).right side menu.export paper the correct paper library and export the captured designsYou can then re-use the Painter paper library at any time in the future (as long as the format is still valid).